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What to Do If You Slip and Fall on Private Property

Slips and falls are common causes of injury, and if you're unfortunate enough to have suffered, it's important to take immediate action. What should you do, step-by-step?

Seek Medical Attention Immediately

It's essential to seek medical attention as soon as possible after you have experienced a slip and fall accident. Even if you don't believe that your injuries are serious, always err on the side of caution, as internal injuries may not be immediately apparent. A doctor can diagnose any potential injuries and provide treatment if necessary. It's also important to keep all medical records of the incident for potential legal proceedings later.

Gather Evidence of Your Injury

If other people witnessed your slip and fall, make sure to get their contact information so they can act as witnesses in a potential court case later on. Additionally, take pictures of the scene where you fell. This will help create an accurate picture of the circumstances surrounding your slip and fall accident. If any safety hazards caused your fall, photograph those as well. This evidence will be invaluable when it comes time to file a claim or take legal action against an offending party. Unfortunately, the offending party (or their insurance representative) may decide to fight the case to reduce their liability and overall bill. This is why you need as much evidence as possible, just in case.

Hire A Personal Injury Solicitor

After gathering relevant evidence, consider working with a personal injury solicitor who specializes in slip and fall cases in your area. An experienced solicitor will understand the laws surrounding premises liability cases—which is what most slip and fall cases usually involve—and give you sound advice about how best to proceed with your case. They may even be able to negotiate a settlement with an offending party before having to go to court over the matter. 

The Importance of Taking the Next Step

Slips and falls are common causes of accidents at home and work in Australia, but it's essential to take immediate action after experiencing one such event. Seek medical attention first, then gather evidence from witnesses or photographs taken from the scene of the accident if possible. Lastly, consider hiring a personal injury solicitor specialising in these cases for expert advice on how best to move forward with your case. With these steps, you can ensure that you receive justice for any losses incurred due to circumstances that were out of your control.

Reach out to a local personal injury solicitor to learn more.